Friday, September 27, 2013


Map of Skyros

Skyros, the Southernmost island of Sporades, is the largest one with 206km2 extension and 2.600 residents population. Despite it's natural beauty, Skyros has a relatively low profile. There plenty of beaches but few can rival the sand of Skiathos or Skopelos. Skyros has an airport in the North and a naval base in the South. All the accommodation and tourist facilities cluster around Skyros Town, the capital, in the center of the island.

Skyros Town(Hora) is a beautiful place, Cycladic-style white, flat-floated, red-tiled houses clinging to the island slope of a pinnacle rising precipitously from the coast. A single main street leads up to a central square. Beyond that lies a 150m stretch lined with almost everything. 
Shops, banks, restaurants and bars.

A position bang in the center of the Aegean guaranteed the island a busy history: it was occupied from prehistory, with a truly impressive Bronze Age settlement currently being excavated , was a vital Athenian outpost in the Classical era, and an equally important naval base for the Byzantines.


The beach of Atsitsa considered the most graphical beach of the island. A small beach with sand and pebbles. It's located on the Northwestern side of the island, 18km from Hora.

Kyra Panagia
It's located on the side of Evia. A sandy beach with crystal cold waters, like all beaches of Skyros. 
Kyra Panagia
A popular well-organized sandy beach. There are several beach bars k restaurants and in the left side there is  a picturesque harbor, which is not suitable for swimming, but has a very nice view.

One of the most popular beaches of Skyros. A well-organized beach right next to Molos. There are beach bars and taverns .

Other beaches
Peukos, Lino, Kalamitsa, Kolimpada, Aspous, Gurismata, Aherounes.


The Byzantine-Venetian castle atop the ancient acropolis above town is a very steep climb. It was badly damaged by an earthquake in 2001.

Other sights
The archaeological museum, Rupert Brooke memorial, Manos Faltaits Museum, Linaria.

By plane: 3 flights weekly from Athens(40min) to Skyros, to Thessaloniki(40min) and back. The airport is 10 km away from Hora.
By ferry: Ferries sail daily from Kymi, on Evia, to Linaria, Skyros's port(1hr 45min). 


Getting Around
By bus: Buses run four, five or six times daily between Skyros Town and Linaria, connecting with ferries.
By taxi: Taxis stands by the main square in Hora and close to bus stop (22220 91666)

Useful Phone Numbers
Clinic: 22220 92222
Police Department: 22220 91274
Fire Department: 22220 93199
Port: 22220 93475
Lifeguard: 22220 93393
Ferry - Ticket Agency Hora: 22220 91790
Ferry - Ticket Agency Linaria: 22220 93465

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